Early recovery is designated as “early recovery” for a reason. We talk about recovery generally, as the entirety of someone’s life which revolves around their sobriety. Early recovery is designated because it is a peculiar time in the journey of recovery. Anywhere between the first minute to the first two to three years of recovery can be considered early recovery. Typically, early recovery is really the first six months to first year of recovery. During this time, someone in recovery is undergoing a revolution in their lives- a total transformation. Unfortunately, not everyone makes it to that first year mark. Relapse rates are high for the first year of recovery, from day one to day 365. The early recovery period receives so much emphasis because it is, quite literally, a time of life or death. Changes which take place during early recovery are changes which can last a lifetime. Repeating early recovery over and over again due to relapse is a challenge and exhausts people. Understanding early recovery as early recovery is important. The rest of recovery isn’t like early recovery. Things get better. Recovery gets easier. In order to get to that better, earlier place, however, you have to get through early recovery.
The first few weeks of recovery can be the detox period. Not everyone goes through severe withdrawals or experiences symptoms of detox. Most people will experience some kind of detox period, depending on a few factors: how recently they used, how long they’ve been using, how much they were using, and the severity of their addiction, as well as their status of health. After the initial detox phase is over, it is common for individuals in recovery to periodically experience symptoms of detox. Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome, or PAWS, is the recurrence of withdrawal and detox symptoms, which can last for the first 18-24 months of recovery. Recurring symptoms of withdrawal are jarring and uncomfortable. Also uncomfortable are the many new life experiences of being freshly sober.
Early recovery is a peculiar time of recovery because an individual is brand new to recovery. After years of living in active addiction to drugs and alcohol, they are learning an entirely new way of living. Though they may not have realized it, addiction and/or alcoholism affected every single area of their lives. Learning how to do everything sober is learning how to do everything in a new way. Early recovery is a learning period and an adjustment period. Some have likened early recovery to being born again or learning how to walk again. Fragile, vulnerable, and sensitive, early recovery is a time to be one hundred percent devoted to recovery and learning to live sober.
Treatment should be more than a program. When you joined Anchored Recovery, you join a community of individuals committed to sobriety. Our full continuum of care can help you seamlessly transition from detox through every phase of treatment you need to ensure lifelong sobriety. Call us today for information: 866-934-4849