Why IOP with a Sober Living Component Works
– Attending an IOP with a Sober Living provides clients with the opportunity to communicate effectively and set personal boundaries with their housemates as they develop healthy friendships. They are able to make use of the communication skills that they learn in IOP when returning home in the evening.
– Attending an IOP with a Sober Living gives clients 24/7 access to guidance and support provided not only by the staff but also by their peers. Early recovery can be difficult at times, and having access to support at all hours of the day can have a huge impact on our clients living at our sober living while attending IOP.
– Attending an IOP with a Sober Living gives clients even more accountability. Staff at the sober living home get to know your schedule and ensure that you are where you’re supposed to be.
– Attending an IOP with a Sober Living increases the likelihood of sustained recovery. People who stay in treatment longer tend to have more success in maintaining long term sobriety. The additional structure, accountability and peer support provided by both sober living and IOP help promote a sober lifestyle that promotes ongoing recovery.
Where should I live while in IOP?
If you have recently transitioned into an intensive outpatient treatment program from a higher level of care, you may be wondering where you are going to live during this process. Should you move home after completing an extended stay in a residential treatment program, or go back to living with family? Should you get your own place, or move in with sober roommates? The answer varies depending on your circumstances. However, it may be a good idea to transition into a sober living home while you are attending an IOP program. Sober living and IOP programs tend to go hand in hand and act together as a great tool for individuals in the early stages of recovery.
The Importance of Sober Living Programs
Even after weeks or months of addiction treatment programs, returning home to an unstable environment can derail those efforts. Continuing to the next level of care with a structured sober living home helps individuals transition gradually back into daily routines.
Sober living homes are drug and alcohol-free settings for continued abstinence. From house activities and outpatient treatment and events, there are no opportunities to access old or new harmful substances of abuse.
Structured sober living during recovery is vital to provide necessary support after rehab. The staff team and peers in the house are right by your side. When addiction triggers occur, you have support readily available.
Another importance of structured sober living is to promote active involvement in addiction recovery, and to be held accountable in doing so. While doctors recommend staying at least ninety days in treatment, those who participate in sober living stay for an average of over one hundred fifty days, according to a study in the Journal of Psychoactive Drugs. This level of participation ensures the maximum benefits of recovery programs. The longer one stays active in recovery, the more effective that treatment is.
Research on Sober Living Homes and Outpatient Programs
A study published in the March 2011 edition of the Journal of Psychoactive Drugs examined 300 individuals entering two different types of sober living homes over the course of 18 months. At the end of the study, the researchers found that people who lived in a sober living home and participated in an outpatient program, such as a 12-step group, had the greatest likelihood of being sober at six and 18 months.
Once a person completes outpatient treatment, they may choose to continue staying in a sober living facility, return home or find a new home. Most treatment centers will recommend staying at a sober living facility for at least 90 days to enjoy the greatest recovery benefits.