The myth of the drug-addled rockstar seems to be coming to an end as more and more musicians are choosing sobriety and positivity over drugs and alcohol. Many people believe that drugs and alcohol help musicians be more creative. Fortunately, this is not the case, as evidenced by these four great sober musicians:
David Bowie was well known for his diet in the 1970’s that allegedly consisted solely of milk, peppers, and cocaine. In the mid-1980’s he recognized that his alcoholism and addiction was beginning to take a toll on his life. In an interview, Bowie explained, “I’m an alcoholic. So, it would be kiss of death for me to start drinking again. My relationships with my friends, my family, everybody around me are so good and happy for so many years now, I wouldn’t do anything to destroy that again.”
The Nine Inch Nails singer fell into the trap that so many musicians do by romanticizing drug use. In a Kerrang interview, Reznor said, “I had romanticised the idea of what drugs and alcohol’s role in my life was. I’m not saying it didn’t provide great moments of great escape and relief, and easing of pain, but it wound up creating chaos and destroying things – destroying creativity in my case.” Reznor even credits David Bowie with helping him become sober. Reznor explained, “You know, there is a better way here, and it doesn’t have to end in despair or in death, in the bottom.”
Although not as well known as Reznor or Bowie, Pat Schneeweis, better known as Pat the Bunny, was a legend in the punk community. After getting sober, he wrote an album, Die the Nightmare, reflecting on his past addiction and alcoholism. In an interview with Punk Globe, Pat explained that maintaining sobriety is a priority in his life, saying, “Addiction is a mental illness, in my opinion and experience. Not only that, but addiction isn’t an ailment that goes away just because you get off drugs. It is a lifelong disease that people like me will live with until the day we die. Any worldview that hates someone for being sick is ignorant, and any person who is anti-addict is anti-me.”
Macklemore regularly discusses his struggles with sobriety in his songs. Macklemore recognized that he does not have the ability to moderate his drug or alcohol use and chose recovery. In a Complex interview, he explained, “And, as it always works, the minute that I start actively seeking recovery — not just sobriety, but recovery — music is there,” Haggerty said. “It always has been. Songs write themselves. My work ethic turns off-to-on in a second and I get happy again. I get grateful again.”
Anchored Recovery Community is Southern California’s premier drug and alcohol treatment center located in beautiful Orange County and a member of the National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers. Anchored Recovery is much more than just a program, it is an entire community of men and women committed to sobriety. Anchored Recovery Community offers a personalized approach to addiction treatment that provides clients with an opportunity for a new beginning and the life skills necessary to thrive in this world while nurturing healthy relationships. For more information about treatment options, please call today: 866-934-4849