What Is Methylone?

Therapy Session

Methylone is an empathogen and stimulant drug. Methylone is the substituted cauthinone analog of MDMDA and the 3,4-methylenedioxy analog of methcathinone. Effects of using methylone may include; chest pains; high blood pressure; increased heart rate; agitation, hallucinations; delusions; paranoia; and suicidal thoughts. It is difficult to regulate or control substances such as methylone because the … Read more

How Does Alcohol Affect The Heart?


Alcohol is the most abused addictive substance in the United States. While moderate consumption can be safe, drinking too much can affect many parts of the body, including the heart. Too much alcohol can weaken your heart, raise your blood pressure, and lead to serious cardiovascular complications over time.  This page addresses questions like how … Read more

What Are Dissociative Drugs?

Mental Health Woman

Dissociative drugs are a class of drugs that cause feelings of being dissociated from reality. More specifically, they cause distortions of time, space, and one’s own body. The drugs are highly dangerous and can lead to a variety of side effects, including panic and confusion. While some of these drugs are currently being researched for … Read more

Are Nootropics Safe?

Prescription Drug Abuse

Nootropics are a variety of supplements used as “smart drugs.” Nootropic drugs are an umbrella term for a wide variety of substances. Some are quite safe, but others may be extremely harmful. Many proponents and marketers of nootropics tout the safety and non-toxicity of the substances; however, the truth is more complicated. Nootropics can refer … Read more

What Is Hallucinogen-Persisting Perception Disorder?

Man In Recovery

Hallucinogen-persisting perception disorder, or HPPD, is a continuation of visual disturbances that can persist for years after the discontinuation of hallucinogenic drug use. Much like flashbacks, HPPD symptoms can occur seemingly at random and produce visual disturbances, anxiety, and fear. However, they are not as strong as the full hallucinogenic experience that occurs from consuming … Read more

Four Greatest Sober Musicians

Musician Playing Guitar

The myth of the drug-addled rockstar seems to be coming to an end as more and more musicians are choosing sobriety and positivity over drugs and alcohol. Many people believe that drugs and alcohol help musicians be more creative. Fortunately, this is not the case, as evidenced by these four  great sober musicians: DAVID BOWIE … Read more

Life After Addiction

Woman Doing Meditation

Creating a Brighter Future Addiction is commonly referred to as a cycle. Many people who abuse substances feel guilty or depressed when coming down which, in turn, prompts them to “use” again in order to push down the bad feelings. The more this cycle repeats the worse situation becomes until eventually the victim’s only perceived solution … Read more

What Does Early Recovery Mean And Why Is It Important?

Hands Sunset

Early recovery is designated as “early recovery” for a reason. We talk about recovery generally, as the entirety of someone’s life which revolves around their sobriety. Early recovery is designated because it is a peculiar time in the journey of recovery. Anywhere between the first minute to the first two to three years of recovery can be … Read more

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